Barnes Türkiye

Heating Solutions in Turkish Real Estate: What Buyers Should Know


Saturday 25 May 2024

Picture Heating Solutions in Turkish Real Estate: What Buyers Should Know

Heating is a crucial aspect of residential comfort, particularly in Turkey where temperatures can vary significantly between seasons. However, central heating is not a standard feature in all properties, leading to surprises for many unwary homebuyers, especially those new to the Turkish real estate market. This article explores the various heating options available and what potential buyers should consider when purchasing property in Turkey.

Central Heating: Availability and Considerations

Central heating systems are common in many urban areas of Turkey, such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, and in some resort cities like Antalya. However, in many coastal and resort regions, central heating remains rare. Buyers looking for year-round residences or investment properties that require less seasonal dependency should prioritize properties with efficient heating systems.

Evaluating Heating Options:

Hotels and Apartments: In Turkey, operational hotels and some all-year residential buildings typically include central heating, ensuring comfort regardless of the season.

Individual Solutions: In areas where central heating is not prevalent, alternatives such as installing underfloor heating or using electric heaters and air conditioners with a heating function are common. However, these solutions may lead to higher electricity consumption and bills.

Moisture and Mold: Properties without adequate heating can develop issues with dampness and mold, particularly during colder months. This is an essential consideration for health and maintenance.

Gas Heating: Infrastructure and Management

In larger cities, residential complexes often feature centralized gas systems that provide heating, hot water, and gas for cooking. This integrated approach is convenient but requires careful management:

Metered Gas: Gas supply in such setups is metered, and timely payment is crucial to avoid disconnections. Missing payments can lead to a temporary loss of heating, hot water, and cooking capabilities.

Infrastructure Readiness: Newer or recently renovated properties might already have the necessary piping and infrastructure in place to install radiators if they are not already fitted. Visible pipes might indicate preparedness for such installations, potentially good news for new owners.

Standalone Homes: Custom Heating Solutions

For detached homes, the situation can differ:

Project-Specific: The presence and type of heating system in standalone homes depend heavily on the original construction plan. Unlike apartments in residential complexes, implementing a heating system in a detached house might be easier but could be more costly.

Flexibility: Owners have more flexibility in choosing and changing their heating systems. However, the installation and ongoing maintenance can be significant, depending on the size and design of the home.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Modifying common areas or systems in apartment complexes, including heating systems, generally requires a majority vote from all owners. This ensures that any changes meet the collective needs without infringing on individual rights or deviating from legal standards.


Potential property buyers in Turkey must carefully consider their heating needs and the available solutions before purchasing. Understanding the local climate, the property’s existing heating solutions, and the feasibility of installing or changing systems is crucial for ensuring comfort and avoiding unexpected expenses.

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