Barnes Türkiye

Turkey's First Diving Village in Gemech


Friday 24 November 2023

Picture Turkey's First Diving Village in Gemech

Turkey celebrates a monumental moment as Gemech, in Balikesir province, unveils the nation's very first diving village along the picturesque Marmara Sea. This exciting venture marks a huge leap forward for diving enthusiasts across the country.

Set to open its doors in just a few days, this village offers something for every diving fan out there. From sports diving to group dives and even scientific explorations, there's a dive experience for everyone. But what's truly unique about this village is what lies beneath the surface—an underwater museum! Divers can explore this underwater wonderland featuring specially crafted statues, adding an artistic touch to the natural beauty below.

Excitement is building as this village gears up to become one of the world's top diving spots. Gemech is on track to be a must-visit destination for divers worldwide. Get ready for an incredible underwater adventure in Turkey's very own diving paradise!

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